After seven months, you'd think I'd have something funny to blog about. Ideally. I'm actually in a blog windfall right now, as I have two ideas to write about. Both are in the slightly funny category. The first is a recent purchase, my CKCC's (my Costco Kirkland Court Classics).
My recent set of work shoes finally got the ax. I'm pretty sure I got them in college, so we're talking 13+ years ago. The internet had just been invented, and Al Gore had not yet claimed it. I couldn't find the cool black adidas that would make me popular at school, so I took a leap of faith and gave my credit card number to some strange company selling shoes online. I didn't try them on or anything, so I had ordered a half size bigger to make sure I didn't have to send them back (having to pay shipping) or find out their return policy stinks. Who are they accountable to? Nobody, since nobody was dumb enough to give their credit card to a stranger back then! After over a decade of faithful service, from casual wear to basketball to winter shoveling to lawn mowing ... it was time. It's possible that glue may have fixed them, if I glued together the 4-5 parts that were flapping all over the place.
But I've had my eyes on the CKCC's for awhile now. Why you say? They had that attractive price tag ... $14.99 baby. That's cheaper than the Obama coin that Montel was hawking.
Costco is one of my few brand loyalties in life, although I've recently realized that Hy-Vee (a grocery store) is another. Otherwise, I am just so neutral on most things. But even though in the big picture Costco and Sam's are the same store, for some reason they aren't to me. I like Costco. The food seems better, the products seems better, and the lines seem to go faster. We recently had both memberships for some promotion, but we like Costco and have settled back in there. I just like going.
Kirkland is the generic brand at Costco, and somehow they make food, clothes, and maybe 100 other things at Costco. It's really ridiculous. How can one brand be trusted to make quality shampoo, bread, and jeans? It's an urban mystery, but with their prices I like to try Kirkland stuff. So the CKCC's at 15 bones was almost a lock upon setting eyes on them ... all I needed was the justification to pull the trigger.
So for 6 months, I've been patiently waiting until my work shoes just became too annoying, and now the white whoppers are my digs for mowing. The CKCC's are definitely not for the court, but they do have that classic crisp white ... ala the straight man Jerry Seinfeld. I've inserted a few sweet pictures for your enjoyment, compliments of the lovely Lauren. Notice the sweet logo on the back, or the minimal hair on the legs (a Blake tradition).
You may not realize it, but you are probably very familiar with CKCC's. You've been at the shoe store before, trying to see if those bargain shoes will work for you. You try them on, and they feel funny. They're weighted strange. You definitely can't run in them ... like girls buying uncomfortable dress shoes for a wedding ... cramped toes or high heels. You're deciding if you can endure them, given the great price and their limited and specialized usage. It's a tough call. But since the price is usually $40+, it was a different ball game at $15. We went for it.
They should have made them three-quarter tops or low tops, but they're that in between top - the kind that nips at the bottom of your ankle bone. They also feel more like Dutch clogs than tennis shoes, as the heel is heavier than it should be. Overall, a great purchase.
nice post, Jerry. love make me laugh
Yet another Blake brother to be wooed by the allure of the Pale Riders.
Nice post Paulie. I am glad you enjoy them, I however do not think I can buy shoes like that to work in. I think that they would not hold up for too long! My roommate just bought some shorts at Costco I will have to ask him if they were Kirkland brand too! : )
- Maasen
Great post, I recently purchased some CKCC and have to agree 110% on these shoes being flat amazing.
How much is court classic size 10
Fellow Costco Kirkland Court Classic Enthusiast...
I don't know if you're still out there, but we've been looking for you, you and people like you... We are an exclusive and dedicated membership (C.K.C.C.E.G) ... Costco Kirkland Court Classic Enthusiast Group
Please take the time to find your fellow brothers, your fellow sisters, and join our group on facebook, wear them proudly CKCCEG
Omgosh.... I'm desperate for a pair of these shoes ! My husband found this story you wrote. He was laughing so hard and making so much noise ... I knew he found some who believed as I do ! We are trying to find the exact type you are showing . Costco does not make them any more. Boo hoo right? I found the last pair in the world on Ebay😜
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