Friday, October 26, 2007

Pet Pieves

People walking their greyhound dogs. Don't those dogs like to run?

Or when you print something off the Internet and 90% of the time there's an extra page with about 2 lines of unnecessary "footer" on the wasted "page 3 of 3." Then you waste 5 seconds of your life wondering if you should put it back in the printer for re-use, or if your next print job will be important ... and then you've wasted all that ink on a bad piece of paper. Argh.

Or sitting down in the driver's seat, only to find that my wife's 5'3" frame is not consistent with my 6'1" frame. Easy way to injure your hip on the steering wheel as you sit down. Side note: I noticed that Leah's 5'2" frame was even more painful. I couldn't even wrap my arm around the steering wheel to reach the seat adjuster. I had to sit sideways and reach around the near side of the steering wheel, which is a good way to pull a side muscle.

Or home repairs ... any of them other than painting. I had to replace a light bulb the other day, but of course it was above the sink. So a chair was necessary, but not quite sufficient. Standing on the counter top was really the only solution. Except at 6'1" you can't stand striaght up, so I was slouched over. Yet moving closer to the light bulb was impossible, as a "decorative" board was blocking my access to the light. So I managed to stand on the 3 inch space of the sink between the basin and your stomach. After gaining my balance, I realized that said decorative board was blocking my view, and I would have to change this bad boy without seeing it. No problem, right? Then I realized that this light bulb cover had those nut/screw jobbies that hold the cover in place. Although they had slots for a flat head screw driver, this decorative board once again wreaked HAVOC on any possibility of a screwdriver fitting up in there. So I strong fingered them out, slowly since Samson owned my home previously and really made sure that bulb cover wouldn't fall out accidentally. After successfully avoiding usuing foul language, albeit complaining some, I finally got that cover off.

The next step was so graceful and fluid even Bob Vila would have admired my work. I unscrewed the light bulb and then climbed down. Perfection.

The next step was not so smooth. I re-installed the light cover, though only after much jostling with the cover, blinded by that "attractive" decorative board. After climbing down and having worked up a small sweat, which any home repair does even if it's winter time, I realized the final blow. I had forgotten to insert the new light bulb.


Tom and Leah said...

all i can do is groan...nothing like a job well done, that's not quite done. next time have little lauren or myself climb up there. our shortness is a blessing in disguise.

Anonymous said...

good point leah, as little people we do have our advantages, we will have to think of some more and maybe blog about them . I would have to say that getting into the car after a tall husband can be quite a challenage as well because you go to put the car in reverse only to realize you can't reach the petal.
- lauren

Anonymous said...

Seriously Paul, I was laughing out loud throughout the entire post. I can relate way too much to that situation. You also did not mention that you had to go to Home Depot twice during that time and the total light changing project took 3 hours or something.

The blog invention is brilliant when it serves to brandish the humor of my 6' but not quite 1" brother. keep it up.


Tom and Leah said...

i just want to comment quickly on the fact that your blog is called embracing change, and yet, the new haircut is not being it time for more change? will you embrace the new, shorter cut? to be continued...

Anonymous said...

As an observer of the Light Bulb Incident, I can confirm that it was just as much fun to watch the episode playing out as it was to read a 6'1" myself, anyone for a quick game of "Who's the Tallest"?

Anonymous said...

leah, i already have the inside track that you are a BIG FAN of the new haircut, so i think you are a bit bias.


Maasen said...

So where is this pic of the new haircut?? I need to see it before I can vote on Leah's survey.

Shaul said...

Leah's survey?!?!?!

Sorry, no pics available. It's really great to see the fans interacting though, as all five of you are the best. (five because that's all that vote on the polls)