Monday, October 22, 2007

Why blog? Is it the comments?

So I've been in the blogging world for a few weeks now as an experiment. It seems to be going okay ... but there need to be more comments. It may or may not be a vain thing, but the interaction is the key. Without comments, this is just an email that nobody replied to. Written feedback is no different than when someone nods or smiles when you're talking to them. Otherwise these blogs are just words blasted out into space. Even us quiet people who write blogs like a little acknowledgement that we're talking/writing.

Fellow bloggers of local fame have chimed in recently. Leah said, "Do we appreciate the comments because we like to know people are reading?" Yes ... as a matter of fact we do. If it weren't for the comments, I think my blog experiment would be over. It's not about me hoping to impact the world ... it's about knowing that I'm impacting the world!

Susan said, "Yeah, comments are definitely the best part about having a blog. It's not really about getting your two cents in, showing off your original humor, or even sending your deepest thoughts out to the wide world of the internet. . .it's all about the comments."

It doesn't take that long to post a comment. You've already read the article. It only takes 10 more seconds to type in an encouraging comment ... or only 30 seconds to think of something creative or funny to say.

So next time you access the world wide web with your personal computer with user friendly interface like Windows XP, just remember ... "it's all about the comments."


Maasen said...

I don't think that is is a pride/vain thing at all Paulie. It truly lets you know that 1. people are reading what you write and 2. like you said it is a fgreat way of communicating with others. It only takes a couple of extra seconds to add a comment, maybe people think that they have to be a "blogger" to comment or that it will be a huge hassle...well little do they know that it is easy and takes hardly any effort at all and requires no log in or private info. at all.

Susan said...

Solid points, Maasen. Although I have to admit, I sometimes think twice about commenting on Paul's blog, given the semi-defamatory surveys and blogs he posts about me.

Anonymous said...

I like to imagine that right next door to my room, through a wall so thin you can hear a fly climbing on the other side, a great Blogging Genius is working, whittling away at a huge pile of words, ideas, and phrases, straining his prodigious intellect to express the ineffable. And then, like the soft murmer of a sleeping baby, I hear the sound of tapping keys as hands siphon thoughts through fingers and into the cybervoid, and I drift off to sleep. All is right with the world.

Anonymous said...

as if blogging was not enough information that is all about you. now, your using this format to insist people tell you how great it is that you are writing about yourself?!


Susan said...

I'd just like to give a shout out to Blogger for adding the "email follow-up comments" feature. Try it. You'll like it.

Anonymous said...

I admit I like comments too, even when people comment on our newsletter or noah's picture. It makes you feel like you connected with someone and they know more about your world. I too am in fan of the comments.