Monday, August 4, 2008

Why not? I'll tell you why not!!!!!!

Well ... apparently it's not time ... YET! I was reading Russ Resnik's book Creation to Completion, and he was discussing courage vs. discouragement. Both are contagious, so which one will we spread? It was a very timely word that I read two days before our Sunday event. Courage is facing the obstacles despite our fears and insecurities. So if we're battling fear of man now, or the insecurities of what people will say ... don't spread that discouragement! Spread courage! There's always another battle to demonstrate your courage. Flory and Cheryl are very excited about this Thursday and Friday, so let's stand up and fight again.

1 comment:

Susan said...

What's going on Thursday and Friday? You can email me, if you prefer.